Homemade linear bearings

ThunderDork » DIY CNC Router – Homemade.
Linear Bearings Are Best - YouTube
After a couple weeks of testing and trying different methods, I finally got my linear bearing situation taken care of. Thought I would write up the process I went
Bones Bearings
ART uses high quality linear bearings on all axes of it's CNC Router and Plasma Machines. These give great accuracy as well as long service life. http
How to Build a linear slide bearing for a CNC router. A CNC router machine is probably the most useful tool a hobbyist can own, but the price for a CNC machine on the
Homemade linear bearings
DIY CNC Router - Homemade Linear Bearings. DIY CNC Router - Homemade Linear Bearings.Homemade linear bearings
SKF Sealing Solutions GmbHHow to Build a linear slide bearing for a.

Friday, November 19, 2010 Amateur CNC mill show and tell Thought I’d have a go at something a bit mechanical for a change. I bought a cheapy pillar drill from
More info at: http://thunderdork.com/diy-cnc-router MYT .